Thursday, February 7, 2019

Be Brave with your Little Girl’s Dress for Occasions

One of the trickiest challenges that come along with being parents is buying clothes for your little girls. Boys are easy to buy clothes for because there are only a few articles of clothing that needs to be bought i.e. shirts, shorts, socks and shoes. Accessories for boys are optional. Girls on the other hand are different. They need to have various articles of clothing together with accessories. Society and the parental community would also dictate that parents need to be able to clothe children following a theme. So, for example, the girl dress here in Singapore would be a light color, then the accessories should follow suit.

It’s the 21st century already and there are now a lot of parents who want to make their kids stand out. They want to avoid their little girls falling inline and become a part of the “Stopford wives”. These days when people fight for equality and rights of other people, it would include individuality in the way people dress. Gone are the days when parents are going to be gossiped because of the choices made with clothing for certain event. More and more people are loosening their stance on being conservative with the way they and their family dress. Popular culture has also changed the way people parents look at individuality. Decades ago, parents adhere to strict rules about dressing up. Little ladies grew up and consciously remembered to be lady-like with their attire. They were also brought up to act in a specific way or at least act lady-like.

Thanks to popular media and western influence, the culture of looking good while feeling good has thrived. Before it was really just what looked great based on the perception of the parents or the standards of the community. Now it’s more of what makes kids unique or stand out or just be completely different from the other kids during a special event.

Lucky for people these days, there are so many places to get inspiration from for the dresses for baby girls here in Singapore. There are so many colorful characters you can base your child’s designs from like “My Little Pony” or “She-Ra”. We are not saying you dress your kids up as these characters but rather have a gown or a dress made based on elements from these pop-culture characters. It’s also not ripping them off because you had the designer or couture lift his or her design from the characters.

Or if you want to go the cosplay route, you can commission or buy pre-made dresses for girls either from stores or from online sellers. Once you have received the dress, you can go and make the necessary adjustments to make your daughter look similar to TV or movie characters. If you want to do this, you have to remember that the goal is the stealthy or sneaky about it. The goal is to make real fans take notice of the dress without raising awareness from the general population.

In this day and age, its time we give out following everything by the book. Life is short and its time to show your freedom and creativity with your daughter with the clothes they wear especially during big events.

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