Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How Pop Culture Affects Online Shopping for Clothes

Popular Culture is a big deal and a multi-million cash cow. Anything that’s popular on TV or in the movies will eventually make its way to other aspects of society such as fashion. In some cases, it’s the other way around. We find that there are some people who think that old school things are cool, and they reflect that in their choices of clothing and preferences to certain things.

Remember that time when interest in vintage shirts became such a big thing? Every store in any corner of the world had at least one segment or portion or product that can pass as vintage clothing. Remember the time in the 90s and early 2000s when the elephant jeans were a huge hit? Even people from all sorts of industries and careers were seen suddenly wearing those goofy looking pants. There were even a few professional wrestlers on TV that performed wearing those clothes.

The point is, pop culture has definitely opened new doors to potential customers who wish to look their favorite characters or wear something inspired by these characters. You would see men and women doing online fashion shopping during their breaks to look for something that would give them more “geek cred”. There are even some people who actually spend a lot of money on shipping and online shopping just to be able to go out and look like somebody from TV. Its weird but it’s also cool.

Nobody should and can let other people down when it comes to their fashion choices. Even if you buy these people online dresses shopping in Singapore and give it to them absolutely free, they would still do a hard pass. Because they will wear what they want, when they want it. That’s something you can’t take away from them because we all live in a democratic country. Or maybe not if you manage to read this article from North Korea.

There’s also a reverse effect for pop culture where whatever the fashion of the times brings in heavily into the context. Shows like “That 70’s Show” and “Stranger Things” brought about renewed interest in clothing and style from those decades respectively. This drove sales and interest in the lifestyle and the pop culture of those days. Interestingly enough, through the interest generated by these shows and influences, the whole thing would be able to move forward and become something trendy once more in the future.

So, as you can see, here are some quick take aways about pop culture and the role it plays in fashion
  • They compliment each other. Sometimes popular culture influences fashion and other times its fashion that influences pop culture. They even have a baby which you may or may not refer to as “hipsters”.
  • Online fashion shopping has become a big thing especially for people who just want to dress nicely while at the same time providing subtle clues about their favorite TV shows or pop culture reference.
  • Pop culture will always be in the forefront of changing fashion and the way people accept it. So, if pop culture embraces a guy wearing a plastic vest for summer and it gets big, there are chances that we may see people going to work wearing a brightly colored plastic vest.

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