Monday, February 4, 2019

Tangs in Their Golden Age as They Grow Bigger and Get Nearer to Your Door

          A lot of people love shopping and who can say no? probably just a few. In their spare time, people choose to hang out inside the malls, hopping through stalls, food courts, and other places you can find inside the mall. They use a lot of time staying there and making lists in their minds on what to buy. The mall offers us bunch of products we can use in our life and it is good that we can find it in just a place. Malls are making promo and discounts, as well as events to attract people come. They also use themes that matches the events, traditions, and celebrations in their place. But now, we don’t need to go outside and walk to go shopping. We can just face the computer unit, have some scrolling, and there you go. You can enjoy shopping. Without any efforts, you can get whatever you want and expect to get it exactly where you are, knocking on your door.

TANGS has always been there for the customers, celebrating their 80th anniversary, making the customers happy with their shopping. Tangs in present, have 6 stores in Singapore and Malaysia, showing their marketing capability. They never ceased to develop their plaza and concept stores to be more family-friendly and world-class shopping destination. They even developed their online shopping site and app where you can find their best and trendy products such as their best anti-aging cream when you just want to stay at home. TANGS has been there for the citizens selling the best beauty products in Singapore where they offer a lot of it. They make sure to take care of your skin and enhance your beauty. And not even that, they are also selling best quality fashion, home stuffs and other products. They have a huge panel of categories to choose from such as gift stuffs, travel and technology products, and even foods. They also create promo that is inclined to the current events in the country that for sure you may get bunch of discounts as you buy. As of now, they are promoting their very own beauty box for men and women which consists of beauty products needed by the customer. It consists of facial creams, skin care, and even perfumes. You can also view the food stalls that offers great food within that site or app. You can see their mouth-watering dishes that for sure will make you go to their mall. They also have a huge collection of brands for you to find you want product and to compare it with the others. It is also organized alphabetically so you will not get lost when finding a brand. It has also a wish list and a favourite panel where you temporarily save you product and add it to cart later. They also have a membership option which gives the customer discounts for a target net spent at some concept stores. Invitation to 12% rebate days and exclusive events, a whole year chance to redeem your TANGS rebates, exclusive birthday treats, complimentary local delivery with a minimum net spent of $100, and many more.

TANGS is happy serving its customers and happy providing their needs and wants in a place with great deals. In addition to that, they made it even more accessible through the internet where you can browse on. Happy shopping!

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