Tuesday, February 12, 2019

We All Hate Costume Parties but Our Kids Love It Anyways

At one point or another adults start to hate the idea of costume parties for the single reason that it will require more time, money and effort just to be able to show up and not looking like a complete fool. As though, we all loved this. We loved everything in costume parties and we certainly loved to attend parties. It’s actually becoming a big cycle for everybody. As kids we love it, as teenagers and young adults we hate it but when we become parents, we’re suddenly in love with the concept. As a bonus, our kids get integrated into this circle. They too will one day dislike costume parties especially when they hit puberty and enter their awkward teenager stage.

And now that you are up to speed and aware that there is a cycle for costumes and costume parties, it’s now time to embrace parenthood and start preparing for the inevitable. That would be your kids eventually being invited to attend costume parties by their classmates or friends. There’s no escaping that and rather than run away from it, you may want to breathe in and be brave.

So, what are the basic things you need to know about the rentals and sellers of children’s costume in Singapore? For starters, you need to know that you can rent or buy your kid’s costume. That would really depend on you, nobody will force you to do either. If you have the space in your home, then you can certainly go and buy one and keep it nicely tucked away. This would come in handy for another costume party coming along soon. You could also use this for Halloween. Lots of establishments these days have embraced the tradition of Halloween parties. These days, malls have even heavily used the whole “trick or treat” schtick to raise foot traffic during Halloween weekend.
Lastly, if you’re very lucky enough as a parent, you can use the same costume for when your younger kids grow up. There’s definitely that big chance that your younger kids would go through the same phase. It would be a great idea to have these costumes you bought ready.

Rentals are the more practical approach when dealing with costumes. Whether it’s a costume of a pirate or an astronaut or something more normal like customised uniforms of pilots or flight attendants, you can be sure that there are stores that will give you what you need. Rentals are fifty percent cheaper than buying costumes. They also won’t take up much space in your house because in a matter of days, you would be returning the item back to the shop.

So, while you may still have lingering dislike or generally just hate costume parties, know that you don’t have any say anymore in the matter as the kids come first. If they want to attend the party dressed as a pirate or a pilot then you have the need to indulge their wants.

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